EE-206 Circuit Analysis I - Fall 2011

Course Introduction

Course info
Syllabus: please read it!
EE-206 Circuit Analysis I, 4 credits
Coreq: Phys 252, Prereq: Math 129, 166 both with a grade of C or better.
Lecture: MWF 9:00-9:50am in E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall 370
Lab: Th 8:00-9:50am (1), 10:00-11:50am (2), 12:00-1:50pm (3), 2:00-3:50pm (4) in ECE-207

Cristinel Ababei, cristinel.ababei(at)
Ph: 701-231-7617
Office: ECE-101F
Office hours: Tuesday 10:30-11:30am, Thursday 1:00-2:00pm or by appointment.

Bulletin description
Linear electric circuits. Component models, circuit laws, transient analysis, design issues, computer tools.

Hayt, Kemmerly, and Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, seventh edition, 2007.

Course objectives
The overall course objective is to teach electrical and computer engineering students the fundamental concepts and methods of analysis of linear electric circuits. Specific objectives include the following:
1.  Students develop an understanding of resistive and energy-storage elements, independent and controlled sources, and operational amplifiers.
2.  Analyze ac (alternating current) and dc (direct current) circuits containing resistors, inductors, capacitors, and both independent and dependent electrical sources to determine current, voltage, power, and energy values.
3.  Utilize basic analysis laws (Kirchhoff's current law, KCL, Kirchhoff's voltage law, KVL, and Ohm's law) to derive useful relationships for series and parallel combinations of passive and active components.
4.  Utilize voltage and current division techniques to simplify circuit analysis.
5.  Utilize Thévenin's and Norton's theorems to determine equivalent circuits.
6.  Analyze the transient and ac steady state behavior of a circuit.
7.  Simplify the analysis of circuits using mathematical transformations.
8.  Design simple electrical circuits, with DC sources, that satisfy specific functional requirements.
9.  Simulate linear electric circuits and measure their properties.
10. Conduct laboratory experiments to confirm the analysis done in the class.
11. Prepare informative and organized lab reports that describe the methodologies employed, the results obtained, and the conclusions made in a laboratory experiment.

--  Grade breakdown: A = [90-100], B = [80-90), C = [70-80), D = [60-70).
--  Final grade components:
    - Exam 1,2,3: 15%,15%,15%
    - Final exam (comprehensive): 25%
    - Homework (includes labs also): 20%
    - Quizzes: 10%


Week 1 - Electric quantities
Week 2 - Voltage, current; Voltage and current sources, Ohm's law; Nodes and branches, Kirchhoff's current law
Week 3 - Kirchhoff's voltage law; Examples
Week 4 - Resistor combinations; Voltage and current division; Nodal analysis
Week 5 - Examples; The supernode
Week 6 - Mesh/loop analysis; The supermesh; Linearity and superposition
Week 7 - Source transformations; Thevenin theorem; Norton theorem
Week 8 - Maximum power transfer theorem; Trees and general nodal analysis; Links and general loop analysis
Week 9 - The operational amplifier, OpAmp; Capacitors; Examples1
Week 10 - Examples2; Examples3; Inductors 
Week 11 - Natural response of RL and RC circuits; Examples; Response to DC and AC forcing functions
Week 12 - Examples; Transient response of first order circuits
Week 13 - Examples; Sinusoidal steady-state analysis; Examples
Week 14 - Sinusoids and phasors; Examples
Week 15 - Examples
Week 16 - AC circuit power analysis; Examples; Average power, maximum power transfer


Lab-syllabus: please read it!

Schedule of labs (subject to change during the term)
Aug 22-26

No lab in the first week

Aug 29 - Sep 2
Basic PSpice statements
Simulation 1
Sep 5-9
Resistors (color code), Breadboard basiscs, Lab reports, Multimeters, Circuit laws
Experiment 1
Sep 12-16
Oscilloscopes and function generators
Experiment 2
Sep 19-23
Sim. Nodal analysis and controlled sources in PSpice
Simulation 2
Sep 26 - Sep 30
Sim. Solving circuits using nodal & mesh analysis with MATLAB
Simulation 3
Oct 3-7
Sim. Intro to PSpice schematic capture
Simulation 4
Oct 10-14
Thevenin's theorem, Superposition
Experiment 3
Oct 17-21
Sim. Maximum power transfer
Simulation 5
Oct 24-28
Sim. Operational amplifiers (Op amp)
Simulation 6
Oct 31- Nov 4
Basic Op amp circuits
Experiment 4
Nov 7 - 11
Transient analysis Simulation 7
Nov 14-18
Sim. Simple ac circuits Simulation 8
Nov 21 - 25

HOLIDAY - Thanksgiving (no classes)

Nov 28 - Dec 2 Exp. Steady state ac circuits Experiment 5
Dec 5 - Dec 8

This is the "makeup week"

--  All labs must be completed and lab reports turned in or you automatically will fail EE-206!

*These labs were initially designed by Professor Emeritus Val G. Tareski of NDSU.

Lab Materials

Lab and Safety rules
Lab station information
Oscilloscope: Data Sheet, User's Guide
Multimeter: Data Sheet, User's Manual, General Info
Function generator: Data Sheet, User's Manual
SPICE info
--  SPICE - A Brief Tutorial (UPENN)
--  Schematic Capture guide
--  SPICE variations
--  MATLAB for electrical circuits (UPENN)


Homework 1 - Assigned on Fri. 8.26.11, Due on Fri. 9.2.11.
2, 4, 9, 10 (p. 29), 13 (p. 30), 18, 22, 23 (p. 31), 33, 38 (p. 33)
Homework 2 - Assigned on Wed. 9.7.11, Due on Wed. 9.14.11.
31, 32 (p. 32), 35 (p. 33), 1, 4 (pp. 63), 6, 9 (p. 64), 13 (pp. 65), 16 (p. 66)
Homework 3 - Assigned on Wed. 9.14.11, Due on Wed. 9.21.11.
17 (p. 66), 20, 21 (p. 67), 26, 31 (p. 68), 35 (p. 69), 40, 43 (p. 70), 58 (p. 73), 82 (p. 78)
Homework 4 - Assigned on Wed. 9.21.11, Due on Wed. 9.28.11.
50 (p. 71), 53 (p. 72), 64 (p. 74), 74, 79 (p. 77), 4, 6 (p. 109), 11 (p. 110), 13 (p. 111), 26 (p. 113)
Homework 5 - Assigned on Fri. 9.30.11, Due on Wed. 10.5.11.
18, 19 (p. 112), 35, 37 (p. 115), 43 (p. 116), 53 (p. 118)
Homework 6 - Assigned on Mon. 10.3.11, Due on Fri. 10.7.11.
Part 1: Study how to use PSpice via its graphical user interface (GUI) and write (printed) Report 1. To do this you should:
- Read textbook pages 815-820. Read textbook pages 103-105.
- Read the schematic capture guide: Schematic Capture guide
- Read PSpice tutorial at (you may read as much as you need to be able to do this assignment; however, reading the whole tutorial is encouraged):
- Create and simulate the circuit from page 819.
- Create and simulate the circuit from page 104.
Report 1 should contain:
- Print out of the circuit schematic from Figure A4.7 (page 819)
- Print out of the simulation output showing all currents and voltages.
- Print out of the circuit schematic from Figure 4.31.a (page 104)
- Print out of the simulation output showing all currents and voltages.
Part 2: Write (typed and printed, not hand written) Report 2 of about 1/2 - 1 page (font size 11, 1 line spacing) as a brief introduction on PSpice. Your report should contain information about what is PSpice, short background on its history, why it is needed, and what it is used for. For collecting and synthesizing the information for this report you should also search on the Internet for extra information about PSpice. Deliverables: Report 1 + Report 2.
Homework 7 - Assigned on Fri. 10.7.11, Due on Wed. 10.12.11.
55 (p. 119), 7 (p. 157), 14 (p. 159), 21 (p. 160), 46 (p. 165)
Homework 8 - Assigned on Thu. 10.13.11, Due on Wed. 10.19.11.
18 (p. 160), 23 (pp. 161), 44, 48, 49 (p. 165), A.1.1 (assume controlled voltage source to be 4i3, p. 799), A.1.2 (p. 804)
Homework 9 - Assigned on Thu. 10.20.11, Due on Wed. 10.26.11.
15, 17 (p. 159), 31, 36 (p. 163), 54, 58 (p. 160), 17, 18 (p. 207)
Homework 10 - Assigned on Thu. 11.3.11, Due on Wed. 11.10.11.
11, 12 (p. 247), 19 (pp. 248), 24 (pp. 249), 35, 36 (p. 251), 9 (pp. 303), 24, 25, 26 (pp. 305)
Homework 11 - Assigned on Thu. 11.10.11, Due on Wed. 11.17.11.
6, 7 (pp. 302), 20, 22 (pp. 304), 38 (pp. 307), 41 (pp. 308)
Homework 12 - Assigned on Thu. 11.18.11, Due on Mon. 11.21.11.
72 (p. 313), 82 (p. 314), 87 (p. 315), 91 (p. 316), 13 (p. 409)
Homework 13 - Assigned on Mon. 11.28.11, Due on Fri. 12.2.11.
Read Section 10.3 from textbook and write a report to explain the concept of "complex forcing functions". Your report should be hand-written and should include equations and figures. Read Appendix 5 from textbook (do not write a report on this).
Homework 14 - Assigned on Mon. 12.5.11, Due on Fri. 12.9.11.
29 (p. 410), 63 (p. 414), 78 (p. 416)