Disclaimer: The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders (journals/publishers/research institutes-labs).
Note: Author names marked with * denote advised undergraduate students - as research mentor and sponsor.
Note: Author names marked with * denote advised undergraduate students - as research mentor and sponsor.
Journal Papers (J#), Conference Papers (C#), and Posters (P#) - All Peer Reviewed
- (C65) W. Guan, Y. Zhao, and C. Ababei, U-DUCT: uncertainty-aware dynamic unified carbon modeling tool for datacenter scheduling, IEEE Int. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Austin, TX, Nov. 2-3, 2024.
- (C64) W. Guan, Y. Zhao, and C. Ababei, R-DUCT: robust dynamic unified carbon modeling tool under severe uncertainty, IEEE Int. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Austin, TX, Nov. 2-3, 2024.
- (P11) Y. Weng and C. Ababei, Applying Machine Learning Technologies to Predictions for Lithium-ion Batteries, IEEE Int. Conf. on Real Time Communications Conference and Expo at Illinois Tech, IIT, Chicago, IL, Oct. 8-9, 2024. (1st Prize in the Student Poster Contest)
- (C63) Y. Weng, W. Guan, and C. Ababei, Prediction of remaining useful life and cell temperature for Li-ion batteries using tinyML, IEEE Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Springfield, MA, August 11-14, 2024.
- (C62) Y. Weng and C. Ababei, Smart reconfigurable battery packs with scalable AI based cell balancing, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conf. and Expo (ITEC), Rosemont, IL, June 19-21, 2024.
- (C61) W. Guan, H. Lyu, and C. Ababei, DUCT: dynamic unified carbon modeling tool for datacenter scheduling, IEEE Int. Electro/Information Technology Conference (EIT), Eau Claire, WI, May 30 - June 1, 2024.
- (C60) N.S. Shekhawat, S. Oh, C. Ababei, C.H. Lee, and D.H. Ye, Machine learning models for prediction of metal ion concentrations in drinking water, IEEE Int. Electro/Information Technology Conference (EIT), Eau Claire, WI, May 30 - June 1, 2024.
- (J34) W. Guan and C. Ababei, Qin: unified cross-layer cluster-node scheduling for heterogeneous datacenters, IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Computing, 2024.
- (J33) R. Heidarykiany and C. Ababei, HVAC energy cost minimization via demand side management based on game theory optimization and deep learning based prediction, Elsevier Energy and AI, vol. 12, May 2024.
- (J32) Y. Weng and C. Ababei, AI-assisted reconfiguration of battery packs for cell balancing to extend driving runtime, Elsevier Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 84, part A, April 2024.
- (C59) C. Ababei and S.C. Schneider, Hardware description of event-driven systems by translation of UML statecharts to VHDL, IEEE Int. Electro/Information Technology Conference (EIT), Romeoville, IL, May 18-20, 2023.
- (C58) S. Poore and C. Ababei, Can machine learning models be used to predict pollutants based on measured other pollutants?, IEEE Int. Electro/Information Technology Conference (EIT), Romeoville, IL, May 18-20, 2023.
- (P10) A.M. Miron, S. Peterson, C. Winters, and C. Ababei, Allyship behaviors in male managers and non-managers in the workplace, 35th Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC, May 2023.
- (C57) C. Ababei, L. Borello, J. Borg, D. Brylow, D. Daleke, A. Denton, N. Ensmenger, R. Friman, R. Green, J. Grych, T. James, D. Johnson, G. Krenz, J. Macy, R. Peoples, J. Perry, C. Ray, M. St. Maurice, P. Thomas, and M. Zink, Advocates and allies across multiple institutions - a discussion of best-practices to support gender equity, ASEE Conference on Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD), New Orleans, LA, Feb. 26-28, 2023.
- (C56) R. Heidarykiany and C. Ababei, Minimalistic LSTM models for next day hourly residential HVAC energy usage forecasting, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2022), Dec. 5-7, 2022.
- (C55) Y. Weng and C. Ababei, Battery pack cell balancing using topology switching and machine learning, IEEE Conference on Vehicle Power and Propulsion (VPPC), Merced, CA, Nov. 1-4, 2022.
- (C54) W. Guan and C. Ababei, Less is more: learning simplicity in datacenter scheduling, IEEE Int. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Oct. 24-27, 2022.
- (C53) W. Guan and C. Ababei, Unified cross-layer cluster-node scheduling for heterogeneous datacenters, IEEE Int. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Oct. 24-27, 2022.
- (C52) T. Radke and C. Ababei, Performance evaluation of the weighted least connection scheduling for datacenters with BigHouse simulator, IEEE Int. Electro/Information Technology Conference (EIT), Mankato, MN, May 19-21, 2022.
- (P9) C. Ababei, R.W. Peoples, and J.M. Hossenlopp, Adapting the advocates and allies concept at Marquette University, Conference on Advancing Gender Equity for Faculty: Allyship and Inclusive Leadership Strategies, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, May 19-20, 2022.
- (P8) W. Guan and C. Ababei, Two-level hierarchical cluster-node scheduling for heterogeneous datacenters, IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, July 2022.
- (C51) T. Radke and C. Ababei, Safeguarding unmanned aerial vehicles against side channel analysis via motor noise injection, IEEE Hardware Oriented Security and Trust, Washington DC, June 2022.
- (J31) A.M. Miron, T.C. Ball, N.R. Branscombe, M. Fieck, C. Ababei, B. Tkaczuk, S. Raymer, and M. Meives, Collective action on behalf of women: Testing the conceptual distinction between traditional collective action and small acts in college women, Sex Roles, vol. 86, no. 7-8, pp. 415-427, 2022.
- (J30) R. Alden, H. Gong, E. Jones, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, Artificial intelligence method for the forecast and separation of total and HVAC loads with application to energy management of smart and NZE homes, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 160497-160509, Dec. 2021.
- (C50) J. Zhang, W. Guan, C. Ababei, H. Medeiros, and R.J. Povinelli, Speeding-up the particle filter algorithm for tracking multiple targets using CUDA programming, Int. Conf. on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Signal & Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CSCI-ISPC), Dec. 2021.
- (C49) C. Ababei and J.E. Richie, Sensor design for inductive proximity and moving direction sensing of metal targets, IEEE Int. Conf. on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2021.
- (P7) R.E. Alden, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, Artificial Intelligence-based Short-term Electric Load Forecasts for Experimental Smart Homes including HVAC, EWH, and PV Components, IEEE PESGM, July 2021. (2nd Prize in the Undergraduate Student Poster Contest)
- (C48) R.E. Alden, H. Gong, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, LSTM forecasts for smart home electricity usage, Int. Conf. on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Glasgow, United Kingdom, Sep. 2020.
- (J29) W. Guan, M.G. Moghaddam, and C. Ababei, Quantifying the impact of uncertainty in embedded systems mapping for NoC based architectures, Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, Nov. 2020.
- (J28) S. Duerr, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, A case for using distributed energy storage for load balancing and power loss minimization in distribution networks, Electric Power Components & Systems Journal, vol. 48, no. 9-10, pp. 1063-1076, Oct. 2020.
- (J27) L. Bosman, S. Roy, W. McDonald, and C. Ababei, Using online discussions to connect theory and practice in core engineering undergraduate courses, Wiley Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 675-691, May 2020.
- (J26) H. Gong, V. Rallabandi, D.M. Ionel, D. Colliver, S. Duerr, and C. Ababei, Dynamic modeling and optimal design for net zero energy houses including hybrid electric and thermal energy storage, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 4102-4113, July-Aug. 2020.
- (J25) K. Etta*, C. Gilger*, A. Maatman*, T. Ren*, L. Wedel*, C. Tamma, and C. Ababei, A 320x256 RGB LED electronic display controlled via WiFi from mobile application, The Journal of Open Engineering, Feb. 2020.
- (C47) W. Guan, M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Reliability optimization under severe uncertainty for NoC based architectures using an info-gap decision approach, IEEE Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Springfield, MA, Aug. 2020.
- (P6) R.E. Alden, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, Tradeoffs in Forecasting of Residential Electric Loads with Data from Smart Meters and Intelligent Circuit Breakers, IEEE PESGM, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2020. (1st Prize in the Undergraduate Student Poster Contest)
- (C46) W. Guan, M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Impact of uncertainty and correlations in mapping of embedded systems, IEEE Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Dallas, TX, Aug. 2019.
- (P5) W. Guan, M.G. Moghaddam, and C. Ababei, Qin: a deep neural network based scheduler for energy optimization in heterogeneous datacenters, IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conf. (COMPSAC), June 2019.
- (J24) K. Conley*, A. Foyer*, P. Hara*, T. Janik*, J. Reichard*, J. D’Souza*, C. Tamma, and C. Ababei, Vibration alert bracelet for notification of the visually and hearing impaired, The Journal of Open Hardware, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Oct. 2019.
- (J23) K. Carey, N. Zimmerman, and C. Ababei, Hybrid field oriented and direct torque control for sensorless BLDC motors used in aerial drones, IET Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 438-449, Jan. 2019.
- (J22) C. Ababei and M.G. Moghaddam, A survey of prediction and classification techniques in multicore processor systems, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1184-1200, May 2019.
- (C45) M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, A case for heterogeneous Network-on-Chip based H.264 video decoders, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Washington, DC, May 2019.
- (C44) H. Gong, V. Rallabandi, D.M. Ionel, D. Colliver, S. Duerr, and C. Ababei, Net zero energy houses with constant PV generation supported by electric water heater and battery energy storage, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, OR, Sep. 2018.
- (J21) T. Nandy, R. Coutu, and C. Ababei, Carbon monoxide sensing technologies for next-generation cyber-physical systems, MDPI sensors, vol. 10, no. 18, pp. 1-29, Oct. 2018.
- (J20) M.G. Moghaddam, W. Guan, and C. Ababei, Dynamic energy optimization in chip multiprocessors using deep neural networks, IEEE Trans. on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 649-661, Oct.-Dec. 2018.
- (J19) M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Dynamic lifetime reliability management for chip multiprocessors, IEEE Trans. on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 952-958, Oct.-Dec. 2018.
- (C43) W. Guan, M.G. Moghaddam, and C. Ababei, Uncertainty aware mapping of embedded systems for reliability, performance, and energy, IEEE Int. Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), Santa Clara, CA, March 2018.
- (J18) C. Ababei, S. Duerr, J. Ebel*, R. Marineau, M.G. Moghaddam and T. Sewell, Open source digital camera on field programmable gate arrays, Int. Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 30-40, 2016.
- (C42) I. Barge and C. Ababei, H.264 video decoder implemented on FPGAs using 3x3 and 2x2 networks-on-chip, IEEE Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2017.
- (C41) M.G. Moghaddam, W. Guan, and C. Ababei, Investigation of LSTM based prediction for dynamic energy management in chip multiprocessors, IEEE Int. Green and Sustainable Conference (IGSC), Workshop on Energy-efficient Networks of Computers (E2NC): from the Chip to the Cloud, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2017.
- (C40) S. Duerr, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, Load balancing with energy storage systems based on co-simulation of multiple smart buildings and distribution networks, Int. Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), San Diego, CA, Nov. 2017.
- (J17) M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Dynamic energy management for chip multiprocessors under performance constraints, Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 54, pp. 1-13, Oct. 2017.
- (J16) J.E. Richie and C. Ababei, Optimization of patch antennas via multithreaded simulated annealing based design exploration, Elsevier Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 249-255, Oct. 2017.
- (J15) M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Performance evaluation of Network-on-Chip based H.264 video decoders via full system simulation, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 49-52, March 2017.
- (J14) P. Irgens*, C. Bader*, T. Le*, D. Saxena*, and C. Ababei, An efficient and cost effective FPGA based implementation of the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm, Elsevier Journal HardwareX, vol. 1, pp. 68-75, April 2017.
- (J13) S. Duerr, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, SmartBuilds: an energy and power simulation framework for buildings and districts, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 402-410, 2016, Jan.-Feb. 2017.
- (P4) I.J. Barge and C. Ababei, A network-on-chip based H.264 video decoder prototype implemented on FPGAs, IEEE Int. Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Napa, CA, Apr. 2017.
- (C39) C. Ababei, Working on a start-up: a case for an applied entrepreneurship oriented course for senior undergraduates, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Indianapolis, IN, Oct. 2017.
- (C38) M.G. Moghaddam and C. Ababei, Investigation of DVFS for Network-on-Chip based H.264 video decoders with truly real workload, IEEE Energy-efficient Networks of Computers (E2NC): from the Chip to the Cloud, Int. Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2016.
- (C37) N. Zimmerman, K. Carey, and C. Ababei, On aerial indoor position control and system integration for quadcopters using lidars, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conf. (DSCC), Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2016.
- (C36) C. Ababei, S. Duerr, J. Ebel*, R. Marineau, M.G. Moghaddam, and T. Sewell, Open source digital camera on field programmable gate arrays, IEEE Int. Conf. on Electro Information Technology (EIT), Grand Forks, ND, May 2016.
- (C35) C. Ababei and S.C. Schneider, Arduino to the rescue: swaying undecided freshmen engineering students to electrical and computer engineering, ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Manhattan, KS, Sep. 2016.
- (C34) M.G. Moghaddam, A. Yamamoto, and C. Ababei, Investigation of DVFS based dynamic reliability management for chip multiprocessors, IEEE Int. Workshop on Dependable Many-Core Computing (DMCC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2015.
- (C33) S. Duerr, C. Ababei, and D.M. Ionel, SmartBuilds: an energy and power simulation framework for buildings and districts, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 2015.
- (C32) H. Sajjadi Kia, C. Ababei, S. Srinivasan, and S. Jabeen, A new scalable fault tolerant routing algorithm for networks-on-chip, IEEE Int. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Fort Collins, CO, Aug. 2015.
- (C31) C. Ababei and A.M. Miron, Emulating working in a company in the classroom: a case for hands-on multiple projects oriented course, ASEE Zone III Meeting, Springfield, MO, Sep. 2015.
- (C30) C. Ababei, R. Kavasseri, and M. Zare, Net reordering and multicommodity flow based global routing for FPGAs, IEEE Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2014.
- (C29) M. Zare, R. Kavasseri, and C. Ababei, FPGA-based design and implementation of direct torque control for induction machines, IEEE Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2014.
- (C28) C. Ababei and N. Mastronarde, Benefits and costs of prediction based DVFS for NoCs at router level, IEEE Int. SoC Conference (SOCC), Las Vegas NV, Sep. 2014.
- (C27) C. Ababei and C. Tamma, Distributed minimum energy point tracking for systems-on-chip, IEEE Int. Conf. on Electro Information Technology (EIT), Milwaukee, WI, May 2014.
- (J12) A.Y. Yamamoto and C. Ababei, Unified reliability estimation and management of NoC based chip multiprocessors, Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 53-63, Feb. 2014.
- (C26) H. Sajjadi Kia, M. Zare, R. Kavasseri, and C. Ababei, Dynamic simulation of direct torque control of induction motors with FPGA based accelerators, IEEE Int. Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2013), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2013.
- (J11) H. Sajjadi Kia and C. Ababei, A new reliability evaluation methodology with application to lifetime oriented circuit design, IEEE Trans. on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 192-202, March 2013.
- (C25) C. Ababei and A.M. Miron, Addressing early the gender gap in electrical engineering via summer camps for girls, ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, Fargo, ND, Oct. 2013.
- (C24) A.Y. Yamamoto and C. Ababei, Unified system level reliability evaluation methodology for multiprocessor systems-on-chip, IEEE International Green Computing Conference, Lighter-than-Green Dependable Multicore Architectures Workshop, San Jose, CA, June 2012.
- (C23) H. Sajjadi Kia and C. Ababei, A new reliability evaluation methodology and its application to Network-on-Chip routers, IFIP/IEEE Int. Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), Santa Cruz CA, Oct. 2012.
- (C22) H. Sajjadi Kia and C. Ababei, Efficient high-speed current-mode links for network-on-chip performance optimization, IEEE Int. SoC Conference (SOCC), Niagara Falls NY, Sep. 2012.
- (C21) R. Katti and C. Ababei, Secure comparison without explicit XOR, Ninth European Dependable Computing Conference, Sibiu, Romania, May 2012.
- (C20) H. Sajjadi Kia and C. Ababei, Improving fault tolerance of Network-on-Chip links via minimal redundancy and reconfiguration, IEEE Int. Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2011), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2011.
- (J10) B.-R.V. Vinnakota and C. Ababei, Determination of the minimum break point set of directional relay networks based on k-trees of the network graphs, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 2318-2323, Oct. 2011.
- (J9) C. Ababei and R. Kavasseri, Efficient network reconfiguration using minimum cost maximum flow based branch exchanges and random walks based loss estimations, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 30-37, Feb. 2011.
- (C19) H. Sajjadi Kia and C. Ababei, A new fault-tolerant and congestion-aware adaptive routing algorithm for regular Networks-on-Chip, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), New Orleans LA, June 2011.
- (C18) C. Ababei, H. Sajjadi Kia, O.P. Yadav, and J. Hu, Energy and reliability oriented mapping for regular Networks-on-Chip, ACM/IEEE Int. Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), Pittsburg PA, May 2011.
- (J8) V. de Paulo* and C. Ababei, 3D Network-on-Chip architectures using homogeneous meshes and heterogeneous floorplans, Hindawi Int. Journal of Reconfigurable Computing (IJRC) - Special Issue on Int. Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReconFig 2009), 2010.
- (J7) C. Ababei, S. Yuvarajan, and D.L. Schulz, Toward integrated PV panels and power electronics using printing technologies, Elsevier Solar Energy, vol. 84, pp. 1111-1123, 2010.
- (C17) C. Ababei, Efficient congestion-oriented custom Network-on-Chip topology synthesis, IEEE Int. Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2010), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2010.
- (C16) C. Ababei, Network-on-Chip design and optimization using specialized influence models, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Anaheim CA, June 2010.
- (C15) C. Ababei and R. Kavasseri, Efficient extreme event screening for power systems using constrained and unbalanced partitioning IEEE PES General Meeting, Minneapolis MN, July 2010.
- (C14) C. Ababei and R. Kavasseri, Speeding-up network reconfiguration by minimum cost maximum flow based branch exchanges, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, New Orleans LA, Apr. 2010.
- (J6) C. Ababei, Speeding up FPGA placement via partitioning and multithreading, Hindawi Int. J. of Reconfigurable Computing (IJRC), 2009.
- (C13) V. de Paulo* and C. Ababei, A framework for 2.5D NoC exploration using homogeneous networks over heterogeneous floorplans, IEEE Int. Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2009), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2009.
- (C12) C. Ababei and R. Katti, Achieving Network-on-Chip fault tolerance by adaptive remapping, IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW), Rome, Italy, May 2009.
- (P3) C. Ababei, Parallel placement for FPGAs revisited, IEEE ACM/SIGDA Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), Monterey CA, Feb. 2009.
- (J5) G. Wang, S. Sivaswamy, C. Ababei, K. Bazargan, R. Kastner, and E. Bozorgzadeh, Statistical analysis and design of HARP routing pattern FPGAs, IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2088-2102, Oct. 2006.
- (J4) C. Ababei, H. Mogal, and K. Bazargan, Three-dimensional place and route for FPGAs, IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1132-1140, June 2006.
- (J3) C. Ababei, Y. Feng, B. Goplen, H. Mogal, T. Zhang, K. Bazargan, and S.S. Sapatnekar, Placement and routing in 3D integrated circuits, IEEE Design and Test, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 520-531, Nov.-Dec. 2005.
- (J2) C. Ababei and K. Bazargan, Non-contiguous linear placement for reconfigurable fabrics, Int. Journal of Embedded Systems, Issue 4/5, Interscience Publishers, 2005.
- (J1) P. Maidee, C. Ababei, and K. Bazargan, Timing-driven partitioning-based placement for island style FPGAs, IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 395-406, Mar. 2005.
- (P2) C. Ababei, H. Mogal, and K. Bazargan, 3D FPGAs: placement, routing and architecture evaluation, IEEE ACM/SIGDA Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), Monterey CA, Feb. 2005.
- (C11) S. Sivaswamy, G. Wang, C. Ababei, K. Bazargan, R. Kastner, and E. Bozorgzadeh, HARP: hard-wired routing pattern FPGAs, IEEE ACM/SIGDA Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), Monterey CA, Feb. 2005.
- (C10) C. Ababei, H. Mogal, and K. Bazargan, Three-dimensional place and route for FPGAs, ACM/IEEE Asia-South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 773-778, 2005.
- (C9) C. Ababei, P. Maidee, and K. Bazargan, Exploring potential benefits of 3D FPGA integration, Field-Programmable Logic and its Applications (FPL), 2004.
- (C8) C. Ababei and K. Bazargan, Non-contiguous linear placement for reconfigurable fabrics, IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW), Santa Fe NM, 2004.
- (C7) C. Ababei and K. Bazargan, Placement method targeting predictability robustness and optimality, ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 81-85, 2003.
- (C6) P. Maidee, C. Ababei, and K. Bazargan, Fast timing-driven partitioning-based placement for island style FPGAs, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 598-603, 2003. Nominated for best paper award
- (C5) C. Ababei and K. Bazargan, Timing minimization by statistical timing hMetis-based partitioning, Int. Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 58-63, 2003.
- (C4) C. Ababei, N. Selvakkumaran, K. Bazargan, and G. Karypis, Multi-objective circuit partitioning for cut-size and path-based delay minimization, ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 81-85, 2002.
- (P1) C. Ababei and K. Bazargan, Statistical timing driven partitioning for VLSI circuits, ACM/IEEE Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2002.
- (C3) C. Ababei and R. Marculescu, Low-power realizations of secure chaotic communication schemes, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2000.
- (C2) C. Ababei and R. Marculescu, V. Sundarajan, Probabilistic aspects of crosstalk in CMOS ICs, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2000.
- (C1) R. Marculescu and C. Ababei, Improving simulation eficiency for circuit-level power estimation, IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2000.
Publications Before 2000
- C. Orita and C. Ababei, Control circuit for forcing the uninterrupted optimum regime in the inductive transfer DC-DC converters, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, 1999.
- C. Orita and C. Ababei, Isolated base drive control circuit for high power switching BJTs, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, 1999.
- C. Orita and C. Ababei, Isolated gate drive control circuit for high power switching devices, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, 1999.
- C. Ababei and M. Derevlean, On passive overunity-gain networks synthesis and their use in oscillators, IEEE Int. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), Iasi, Romania, July 1999.
- M. Derevlean, L. Turic, and C. Ababei, On the amplitude stability of the most common amplitude limiting networks, IEEE Int. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), Iasi, Romania, July 1999.
- C. Orita and C. Ababei, Isolated gate driving circuit for high power switching MOS, IEEE Int. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), Iasi, Romania, July 1999.
- M. Derevlean and C. Ababei, A new method for electrolytic capacitors measuring, IEEE Int. Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), Timisoara, Romania, Sep. 1998.
- C. Orita and C. Ababei, Fully controlled DC-DC converter with capacitive load, The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanical Systems (JSAEM), Nov. 1998.
Dissertations and Theses
- Rahman Heidarykiany, (Ph.D., 2024), Deep machine learning algorithms for HVAC energy usage and cost optimization in smart grids, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Wenkai Guan, (Ph.D., 2023), Algorithm-architecture-hardware co-design in computing systems: from chip multicore to the cloud, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Tim Radtke, (M.S., 2022), Electronic hardware security of unmanned aerial vehicles against side channel analysis using motor noise, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Jinhua Zhang, (M.S., 2020), Speeding up particle filter algorithm for tracking multiple targets using CUDA programming, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Russell Marineau, (M.S., 2018), Parallel implementation of facial detection using graphics processing units, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Milad Ghorbani Moghaddam, (Ph.D., 2018), Dynamic lifetime reliability and energy management for network-on-chip based chip multiprocessors, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Wenkai Guan, (M.S., 2018), Uncertainty aware mapping of embedded systems for reliability, performance, and energy, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Kellen D. Carey, (M.S., 2017), Hybrid sensorless field oriented and direct torque control for variable speed brushless DC motors, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Ian J. Barge, (M.S., 2017), Network-on-Chip based H.264 video decoder on a field programmable gate array, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Nathan Zimmerman, (M.S., 2016), Flight control and hardware design of multi-rotor systems, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marquette University.
- Alexandre Yasuo Yamamoto, (M.S., 2014), A new method for dynamic reliability management for chip multiprocessors, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University.
- Hamed Sajjadi Kia, (Ph.D., 2014), Fault tolerant and adaptive systems with focus on Networks-on-Chip, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University.
- Kianoosh Karami, (M.S., 2011), Implementation of bus-based and NoC-based MP3 decoders on FPGA, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University.
- Syed Shihab Ullah, (M.S., 2011), Solution processing electronics using Si6H12 inks: poly-silicon TFTs Co-Si OS capacitors, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University.
- Cristinel Ababei, (Ph.D., 2004), Design automation for physical synthesis of VLSI circuits and FPGAs, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota.
- Cristinel Ababei, (M.S., 1998), Chaotic communication schemes, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi.
- Cristinel Ababei, (B.S., 1996), Design and implementation of a low-voltage low-power current-mode current amplifier, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi.