GEEN-1200 Engineering Discovery 1
EECE Module Only
Fall 2017 (Nov.6-14)
The electrical engineering and computer engineering (EECE) module is
a 1.5 weeks long lecture and laboratory project. It is taught by
Profs. Susan
Schneider and Cris
Ababei. The module is offered as part of the Engineering
Discovery 1 course, whose primary instructor if Prof. Hyunjae
Park. Currently, the EECE module focuses on building a data
acquisition (DAQ) system using a DHT22 humidity and temperature
sensor and an Arduino Uno board. In the first version (lab #2), the
system is wired; the Arduino board sends the data to the host PC via
the Serial connection, as shown in the figure below. In the second
version (lab #3), the system uses an HC-06 Bluetooth module to send
the data wirelessly to the host PC.