
This website describes research and educational activities of the research project titled "Uncertainty modeling and design methods for heterogeneous embedded systems", which is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Future embedded systems will contain tens and projected hundreds of heterogeneous cores. The increased complexity and heterogeneity, however, come with new design and optimization challenges including increased design uncertainties due to process, voltage, and temperature variations and poor reliability due to elevated rates of faults. Therefore, it is imperative to rethink existing embedded system design approaches in order to directly consider these issues during the design and optimization processes. To address these challenges, this research develops a new design method to address the increased uncertainties and to improve reliability and performance of future complex embedded systems.

Software releases


The education component includes (1) a summer camp for students from underrepresented groups, (2) professional blogging for continuous education and dissemination of research findings, and (3) promoting research, industry experience, and entrepreneurship education for undergraduates to better prepare them for graduate studies. The education and research plans are integrated by utilizing the software tools in programming contests, research projects for undergraduates, and summer-camp demonstrations.